In a recent spate of burglaries across Pune, thieves made off with cash and gold ornaments totaling Rs 9.68 lakh from flats in Koregaon Park, Vadgaon Sheri, and Hadapsar. The incidents took place on December 12th, prompting police to launch investigations into the matter.

In Koregaon Park, Atur Park Society on Nailer Road was targeted by thieves. Amit Satpal Kochar (58) reported to the police that a thief entered their flat on the first floor through a window while the family was asleep and made off with jewellery and cash amounting to Rs 3.5 lakh. The thief also broke into the office of the Raichandra Group of Companies and another flat within the society. Police Sub-Inspector Santosh Gaikwad is handling the case.

Over in Vadgaon Sheri, burglars broke into a flat in the Somnathnagar area by breaking the lock and taking valuables worth Rs 5.47 lakh. A woman filed a complaint at Chandannagar police station. On the same night, another theft occurred in Ganeshnagar, where a thief stole a mobile phone and a ring worth Rs 21,000, with the incident also being reported at Chandannagar police station.

In Hadapsar’s Papade Vasti area, burglars broke into a flat and stole valuables amounting to Rs 50,000. Ritesh Bhimraoji Pise (37) filed a complaint at Hadapsar police station regarding the incident.

The police are actively investigating these cases to apprehend the culprits and recover the stolen items. Residents are advised to remain vigilant and take necessary precautions to safeguard their homes and belongings.

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