The incident at the CNG pump in Dhankawadi has left a worker severely injured, with the loss of his left eye. The worker, identified as Harshad Ganesh Gehlot, was filling a vehicle with CNG when a gas nozzle exploded, causing the injury. The Sahakarnagar police have taken action against the pump owner and manager, holding them responsible for the accident.

Gehlot, a 23-year-old resident of Dhankawadi, has been employed at the S Square CNG petrol pump for a year. The explosion occurred on Sunday evening, resulting in the loss of his left eye. He was immediately taken to the hospital, where doctors confirmed the severity of his injuries.

Following the incident, Gehlot filed a complaint with the Sahakarnagar police station, alleging negligence on the part of the pump’s owner, Dhairyasheel Pansare, and manager, Rahit Harkurki. The police have registered a case against the two individuals based on Gehlot’s complaint.

This unfortunate incident serves as a reminder of the importance of implementing proper safety measures in workplaces to prevent such accidents from occurring. Our thoughts are with Gehlot as he recovers from his injuries.

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