In a heartwrenching turn of events, a family in Pune has finally received some much-needed justice and financial support after a tragic accident on the old Mumbai-Pune highway. The family of a two-wheeler rider, Praveen Dhende, who lost his life in a collision, has been awarded a compensation of Rs 1.25 crore in the Lok Adalat. Additionally, Praveen’s son, Abhishek Praveen Dhende, who sustained serious injuries in the accident, received Rs 75 lakh in compensation, bringing the total amount to Rs 1.95 crore.

The accident, which took place on February 26, 2021, near Vadgaon Phata on the Pune-Mumbai highway, shook the Dhende family to its core. Praveen, a senior technical manager in a pharmaceutical company, was riding with his son Abhishek when a speeding car collided head-on with their two-wheeler. Tragically, Praveen lost his life in the accident, while Abhishek suffered severe head injuries.

The family faced a financial crisis following Praveen’s untimely demise. With Abhishek still in the early stages of his engineering studies and Praveen’s wife, elderly mother, and younger son left without a source of income, the situation was dire. Advocate Bhaskar Suryavanshi took up their case and filed a joint claim in the Motor Accident Claims Tribunal (MACT) on behalf of the family, while Abhishek filed a separate claim for his injuries.

After a lengthy legal battle, the insurance company agreed to settle the claims through the Lok Adalat process, providing much-needed relief to the Dhende family. The settlement included Rs 1.25 crore for the family’s joint claim and Rs 75 lakh for Abhishek’s individual claim, bringing some semblance of closure to this tragic chapter in their lives.

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