In a recent update on the Kalyani Nagar Porsche incident in Pune, it has been revealed that the minor accused will undergo re-interrogation by the Pune Police. The accused, currently in custody at the Remand Home for Boys, had previously given unclear answers during the initial questioning, prompting the Pune Crime Branch officials to request a second round of questioning.
The minor appeared before the Juvenile Justice Board (JJB) yesterday, where the Pune Police requested a 14-day extension to keep him in the Remand Home until 25th June. This decision was made in order to obtain more information and clarify the details of the tragic incident.
The incident, which took place on 19th May, involved the minor driving a Porsche while reportedly intoxicated and speeding. The collision resulted in the tragic deaths of two young IT engineers. Following the incident, there were attempts to shield the minor from legal consequences, leading to the arrest of his parents, Shivani and Vishal Agarwal, his grandfather, Surendra Kumar Agarwal, and staff members from Sassoon Hospital including Dr. Ajay Taware, Dr. Shrihari Halnor, and peon Atul Ghatkamble. Employees and owners of the pubs that served alcohol to the minor before the incident were also arrested.
The re-interrogation of the minor accused is a crucial step in uncovering the truth behind this devastating incident and ensuring that justice is served for the victims and their families. Stay tuned for more updates on this ongoing investigation.
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