In a heartwarming gesture, the organs of a 21-year-old trainee pilot, Cheshta Bishnoi, who tragically lost her life in a car accident near Bhigwan, have brought new hope to six patients in Pune. The young woman’s family made the selfless decision to donate her heart, liver, and kidneys, marking the 67th deceased organ donation under the Pune Zonal Transplant Coordination Centre.
Aarti Gokhale, the coordinator of Pune ZTCC, commended the family for their decision, which has saved the lives of six individuals, including a seven-month-old baby. Dr. Prasad Muglikar, the medical director at Ruby Hall Clinic, explained that despite efforts to save the donor’s life, her organs were successfully transplanted into recipients with end-stage diseases.
The liver was split and transplanted into two individuals, a baby and a 60-year-old man, while the heart went to a 41-year-old woman with dilated cardiomyopathy. One kidney was given to a 61-year-old woman with chronic kidney disease, and the second kidney and pancreas were sent to another hospital for transplantation.
Following the organ donation, Cheshta’s body was taken back to her village in Rajasthan for her final rites. Her family’s courageous decision has left a lasting impact by giving new life to those in need.
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