The Market Yard area in Pune saw a wave of protests today following the tragic death of an elderly woman who was hit by a dumper on Gangadham Road. Residents took to the streets demanding action from the Pune Municipal Corporation and Pune Police against reckless heavy vehicle drivers who ignore the daytime ban on using the road. The protesters, led by Santosh Nangre, Director of the Agricultural Produce Market Committee, called for the installation of speed bumps along the accident-prone stretch from Gangadham Chowk to Aai Mata Mandir.
Officials from the Pune Police and PMC assured the protestors that their concerns would be addressed, as drivers continue to flout regulations prohibiting heavy vehicle movement during certain hours. The victim, Damayanti Bhupendra Solanki, lost her life in the accident, while her daughter-in-law Priyanka sustained severe injuries and is currently hospitalized. The driver and his helper were arrested by Market Yard police following the incident.
Enraged locals gathered at the Market Yard Police Station to demand justice for the victim and stricter measures against negligent drivers. The NCP organized a protest at Gangadham Chowk, calling for the construction of a flyover to ease traffic congestion in the area. Prominent figures like Walchand Sancheti emphasized the importance of building the flyover to accommodate the growing residential and commercial developments along the stretch. The community continues to push for accountability and safety measures to prevent similar tragedies in the future.
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