Pune has seen a surge in imported vehicle registrations in 2024, with a total of 555 vehicles added to the city’s roads. This includes 300 two-wheelers and 255 four-wheelers, a significant increase from the 309 imported vehicles registered in 2023. This boost in registrations has had a positive impact on the revenue of the Pune Regional Transport Office (RTO).

The annual vehicle registrations in Pune typically range from 2.5 to 3 lakh vehicles, with the total vehicle count exceeding 35 lakh. However, there has been a gradual decline in daily registrations across all categories.

Imported vehicles contribute substantially to government revenue through registration fees, import taxes, and service charges. Owners of imported vehicles pay around ₹20 lakh as an import tax, in addition to registration fees of ₹3,000 for two-wheelers and ₹5,000 for four-wheelers. They are also required to pay 20% of the vehicle’s market price as service charges.

Deputy RTO Swapnil Bhosale highlighted the increase in two-wheeler imports as a major factor in boosting government earnings this year. Many imported vehicles are now directly registered at showrooms, streamlining the registration process for buyers.

Imported two-wheelers have gained popularity over four-wheelers in Pune, indicating a shift in consumer preferences towards high-performance and luxury motorcycles. However, challenges such as high costs due to taxes and customization requirements remain barriers for many potential buyers.

Overall, the rise in imported vehicle registrations reflects the increasing disposable income and changing consumer preferences in Pune. This trend is expected to continue in the coming years as more buyers opt for imported vehicles.

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