The incident that unfolded at Samarth Police Station in Pune has left many shocked and outraged. A woman who went to report a rape ended up being physically assaulted herself, with a case now registered against 9 individuals, including a Police Sub Inspector (PSI).

The accused individuals, including PSI Arjun Divekar, Police Constables Nilam Karpe, Maya Gadekar, and Yogita Afale, as well as two other women constables, are facing charges of molestation, assault, and threats. Additionally, Akshay Awate, Aditya Gautam, and Sujit Pujari have also been named in the case.

The complainant had initially filed a rape complaint against Pujari and Gautam in 2023, alleging coercion into prostitution by her husband, Awate. Enraged by the police complaint, the accused individuals summoned her to the police station where she was verbally abused, threatened, and physically assaulted.

The complainant also accused Pujari and Gautam of being affiliated with the BJP and a local corporator, alleging threats and even spitting. An investigation into the matter is now underway, led by Assistant Police Inspector Dadasaheb Patil.

This disturbing incident sheds light on the challenges faced by victims of sexual assault and the importance of holding perpetrators accountable. Stay tuned for more updates on this developing story.

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