In a shocking turn of events in Pune, a man has been found to have kidnapped a minor boy before taking his own life. The man, identified as Rajendra Rohidas Jambukar, had abducted the boy to teach his lover and her husband a lesson. The 12-year-old boy was taken from Ambegaon Taluka to Sangamner, where the kidnapper resided. Despite efforts by the police to locate the boy, Jambukar tragically ended his own life, leaving the boy’s whereabouts unknown for a period of time until he was eventually found dead.

Jambukar, with a criminal history that included four prior cases, had kidnapped the boy in an attempt to pressure his lover into withdrawing a rape case she had filed against him. Following the abduction, a case was filed at the Pargaon Karkhana Police Station, and a search for both the boy and the kidnapper was initiated. Despite the police tracing Jambukar to his residence in Dholewadi, he managed to escape before ultimately taking his own life by hanging himself.

The boy, identified as Aryan Vikram Chavan, was tragically found dead near Rajapur in Sangamner. Jambukar’s history of violent behavior, including a previous attack on his lover with a sharp weapon, adds a chilling layer to this already disturbing case. Through a meticulous investigation involving CCTV footage and other evidence, the police were able to piece together the events leading up to the tragedy. A suicide note found near Jambukar’s body provided crucial insights into the situation, and the investigation is ongoing to uncover further details.

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