In addition to the existing Vande Bharat Express trains in Pune, four new trains are set to revolutionize travel in the city. These trains will cover routes such as Pune to Shegaon, Pune to Vadodara, Pune to Secunderabad, and Pune to Belagavi.
The introduction of these new services will not only reduce travel time significantly but also enhance connectivity and comfort for passengers. With a total of six Vande Bharat Express trains running weekly in Pune, residents can look forward to a more efficient and seamless travel experience.
Currently, the fare details for existing routes are as follows: ₹560 for a one-way ticket on the Pune-Kolhapur route, and ₹1,135 for a special coach. On the Pune-Hubballi route, the ticket prices are ₹1,530 for a standard seat and ₹2,780 for a special coach.
This initiative is part of the Railway Administration’s commitment to improving travel convenience for passengers. Stay tuned for more updates on the launch of these new Vande Bharat Express trains in Pune!
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