The tragic incident that took the lives of three young men in Pune six years ago still haunts the community. The collision caused by a speeding Honda Accord and allegedly driven by Darshan Jamdade, who was believed to be under the influence, sparked outrage and demands for justice. Despite initial arrests, the case has faced numerous hurdles and delays in the legal system.

The families of the victims have been vocal in their pursuit of justice, accusing law enforcement of tampering with evidence and lack of cooperation. With 77 court hearings and changes in public prosecutors, the case has faced challenges in securing crucial testimonies for the chargesheet.

Public support for the families has dwindled over time, leaving them feeling isolated in their quest for closure. They continue to call for support from the community, legal experts, and human rights organizations to demand accountability for the delays and alleged misconduct in the case.

As the legal battle drags on, the families also seek systemic reforms to prevent similar tragedies in the future. Despite setbacks, they remain determined to see justice served for their loved ones.

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