With the 207th anniversary of the Koregaon Bhima Battle right around the corner, the Pune Police are pulling out all the stops to guarantee a peaceful and secure commemoration on January 1, 2025. In a recent video, DCP Nikhil Pingle can be seen instructing police teams to be on high alert and fully prepared for the security arrangements during the event.

The Manavandana Ceremony is set to take place at the Jaystambh memorial in Perne Phata, where a whopping 10 lakh individuals are expected to come together to honor the Dalit Mahar soldiers who emerged victorious over the Peshwa army on January 1, 1818. This event is not just a mere gathering; it symbolizes the triumph and sacrifices of these brave martyrs.

To ensure that everything runs smoothly and to uphold law and order, the Pune City Police, in collaboration with other police units from Maharashtra, have devised a solid security strategy. With over 6,000 personnel on duty, including officers from the Pune Police force and various state units, the focus is on effectively managing the large crowds and preventing any potential incidents. Additional safety measures have been implemented to guarantee that the event proceeds without any disruptions.

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