In a shocking incident in Aundh, six accused individuals attacked and robbed three people, including a senior citizen, with an iron rod at Parihar Chowk. One of the accused has been remanded in police custody until 18th June, while three minors have been sent to a Remand Home for Boys for 14 days. The police are still searching for two more suspects in connection with the case.

The gang reportedly committed the crime after consuming alcohol, leading to serious injuries to Sameer Roy Chaudhary, the senior citizen who is currently in a brain-dead state. Jupiter Hospital is in the process of organ donation procedures after his tragic condition. The accused in custody has been identified as Jai Sunil Ghengat, a 19-year-old resident of Aundh.

Senior Police Inspector Ajay Kulkarni was transferred in connection with the case on Friday, highlighting the seriousness of the incident. The Juvenile Justice Board ordered the detention of the three minors who were involved in the crime, one of whom had a previous case of attempted murder.

The Chaturshringi Police have initiated an investigation into the incident and are working to bring the remaining suspects to justice. The community in Aundh is shocked by the violence that occurred and is hoping for swift and fair resolution in this case.

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