Pune City Police Commissionerate recently held a property distribution program at Mahatma Phule Sanskrutik Bhavan in Hadapsar, where Commissioner of Police Amitesh Kumar issued a stern warning to illegal businesses, gangs, and extortionists. He advised them to leave the city or face severe consequences.

The event was part of the celebration of Maharashtra Police Force’s foundation day, which falls on 2nd January each year. Properties worth over Rs 1.80 Crore, including seized vehicles, phones, jewellery, and cash, were returned to complainants during the program.

CP Amitesh Kumar spoke about the importance of returning stolen items to their rightful owners, emphasizing the emotional value they hold. He mentioned that the lengthy court processes often put a financial strain on people, which is why the property distribution program was initiated.

A total of 80 complainants received their stolen items at the event, and Commissioner Kumar announced plans to extend this initiative to other zones in the city. He thanked citizens for their cooperation and urged them to stay vigilant.

The event was attended by top police officials, including Joint Commissioner Ranjan Kumar Sharma, Additional Commissioners Pravin Kumar Patil, Manoj Patil, and Shailesh Balkawade, as well as Deputy Commissioner Nikhil Pingle. Zone 5, where the event took place, includes divisions such as Hadapsar and Wanawadi, each with its own police stations.

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