As winter approaches, barn owls in Pune are facing increased threats from festive chaos and night events. Wildlife activists are sounding the alarm over the dangers these nocturnal birds face due to human activities. Here are some key points to consider:

1. Rising Owl Rescues: The number of barn owls rescued in Pune has seen a significant increase compared to previous years, with 85 owls rescued just last month.

2. Impact of Festivities: Festivities such as night events and concerts can disorient owls, affecting their hunting patterns and putting them at risk of injuries.

3. Breeding Season Risks: The breeding season from October to March increases interactions between owls and humans, leading to more injuries and rescues.

4. Timely Rescues: Residents like Bhushan Shinde have been instrumental in rescuing injured owls and ensuring they receive proper treatment.

5. Other Factors: Contributing factors to owl injuries include increased rescue reports, dangers from kite strings, and the need for better awareness and reporting.

To mitigate these risks, steps such as limiting noise pollution, avoiding hazardous materials like Chinese manjas, and raising awareness among the public are crucial. It is essential for residents and event organizers to take responsibility and protect these vulnerable birds during their active and breeding seasons. Let’s all do our part to ensure the safety of barn owls this winter.

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