In a recent development, Kalyani Nagar resident Haresh Bharwani has raised concerns about the frequent road excavations in the area. He emphasized the need for the Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) to ensure that the road is resurfaced once the work is completed. Bharwani pointed out that the road had been dug up multiple times in a short period for various projects, including laying water lines and now gas pipelines. He expressed frustration over the lack of accountability in such works and questioned the absence of information boards to inform the public about the ongoing projects.

Responding to these concerns, Manohar Mali from the Pune Municipal Corporation stated that he would investigate the issue and address the residents’ grievances.

Key issues raised by residents include the frequent excavations causing inconvenience and disruptions, the lack of transparency in the project details and contractors involved, and uncertainty about the authorization of the work by PMC. Residents also highlighted the negative impact on traffic flow, noise pollution, and violation of PMC guidelines such as the absence of visible boards or notices about the trenching activity.

Demanding accountability, residents called for transparency, penalties for contractors, and corrective measures to minimize the impact on health and safety. They urged PMC to take action, investigate the issue, ensure compliance with guidelines, and restore order in the Wadgaonsheri community. This issue underscores broader concerns about urban governance, planning, and the importance of enforcing regulations to protect the interests of residents.

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