In an effort to address the increasing number of accidents involving heavy vehicles on Pune’s roads, the city’s traffic police have issued a set of directives aimed at curbing reckless driving. These directives, announced by Deputy Commissioner of Police (Traffic) Amol Zende, focus on driver training, license requirements, adherence to traffic rules, workload limits, speed monitoring, safety equipment, and awareness campaigns.
The recent surge in construction activities in Pune has led to a rise in the movement of trucks carrying heavy loads, such as mud, sand, and construction materials. This has raised concerns about the safety of these vehicles on the road, especially in high-traffic areas and residential neighborhoods.
In response to the alarming number of accidents involving heavy vehicles, the police are taking immediate action to enforce these directives. The goal is to ensure that all truck drivers undergo proper training, hold valid licenses, follow traffic rules, and prioritize safety on the road.
By implementing these measures, the Pune traffic police hope to reduce the risk of accidents and create a safer environment for both drivers and pedestrians. The directives are set to be implemented without delay, with a focus on improving road safety and preventing further fatalities.
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