Koregaon Park residents fall victim to a multi-crore scam by cybercriminals pretending to be officials from the CBI and DRI. The elderly couple, who own a spare parts business, were coerced into transferring Rs 4 crore under the threat of money laundering prosecution and digital arrest. This incident marks the second largest case of digital arrest fraud in Pune since 2023, with a similar case involving a Mumbai executive losing Rs 6.29 crore. The couple’s children were unaware of the situation until their daughter discovered her mother’s distress and involvement in the scam. The cyber police have launched an investigation and registered a case of cheating after the 78-year-old woman filed a complaint. The fraudsters used fake arrest warrants and video calls to intimidate the couple into transferring money to multiple bank accounts. The couple’s funds, earned through their business, were transferred over two months to avoid arrest. Inspector Nikam urged the public to be cautious of such scams and report any suspicious activity to the authorities.

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