Hey Pune peeps, there’s been quite a stir at the Vaikunth crematorium in Navi Peth recently. Rumors were flying around that stray dogs were munching on human remains at the facility. Yikes! But fear not, the Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) has stepped in to set the record straight.
After a thorough investigation, PMC officials have declared that there is no truth to the claims about dogs feasting on human remains. Phew! However, they did find some issues with the maintenance of the crematorium. So, they’ve slapped a show-cause notice on the contractor responsible for keeping the place spick and span.
To make sure this kind of thing doesn’t happen again, PMC has ordered immediate cleanup and improvements at the crematorium. They want regular cleaning, dangerous tree branches trimmed, and overall better hygiene at the site. Can’t argue with that!
It seems like some kind-hearted citizens were feeding the stray dogs on the premises, which attracted them to the crematorium. PMC has put a stop to that and even started a program to capture the stray dogs in the area. Better safe than sorry, right?
So, rest assured Pune peeps, the PMC has everything under control. They’re taking all the necessary steps to keep the crematorium clean and respectful. Let’s hope this puts an end to the spooky stories and keeps the place peaceful and dignified.
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