The Deputy Director of the Horticulture Department in Pune, Sanjay Gunjal, found himself in hot water when he was arrested by the Anti-Corruption Bureau for allegedly demanding a bribe of ₹2.5 lakh from a suspended employee. The incident took place in the Sangamwadi area late on Friday night.
The suspended employee, who used to work as a junior clerk in Buldhana, filed a complaint against Gunjal, claiming that he had asked for ₹3 lakh to help address issues related to the employee’s suspension under the Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchan Yojana. After negotiations, the bribe amount was reduced to ₹2.5 lakh, leading the complainant to contact the ACB.
Superintendent of Police Shirish Sardeshpande oversaw the operation, which resulted in Gunjal being caught red-handed accepting the bribe at the Arambus stop in Sangamwadi. The case is now being investigated by Police Inspector Praveen Nimbalkar at the Yerwada police station.
This incident serves as a reminder of the ongoing battle against corruption in government offices and the importance of reporting such misconduct to the authorities. The ACB’s swift action in this case sends a strong message that corruption will not be tolerated.
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