The much-anticipated mango season kicked off at Pune’s Market Yard with the arrival of the first box of Kesar mangoes from Devgad. The box, containing 5.25 dozen mangoes, fetched an impressive ₹31,000 at the auction, surpassing last year’s prices.
Trader Aniruddha alias Bapu Bhosale was the lucky recipient of the box, which came from farmer Saad Mulla’s orchard in Devgad and was transported to Pune by Pranit Manjrekar of Sai Mango Service. The auction was won by businessman Raosaheb Kunjir, with several dignitaries in attendance including senior BJP leader Baba Misal and Market Committee Fruit and Vegetable Department Head Balasaheb Konde.
According to Bhosale and Balbhim Majalgave, this year’s mango season has seen a shift with Kesar mangoes taking the lead instead of the usual Alphonso variety. They attributed this change to weather patterns, which have delayed the arrival of Alphonso mangoes. The regular influx of mangoes is expected to begin on March 15, with exceptional quality anticipated.
Kesar mangoes, traditionally associated with Gujarat, are now being extensively grown in the Konkan region due to the favorable climate. This has led to an increase in production and earlier arrivals, resulting in a boost in supply.
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