The streets near the Manchar Bus Stand in Pune district were filled with excitement and danger as two youths found themselves injured by a nylon manja while walking. Luckily, a vigilant motorcyclist, Laxman Datkhile, narrowly avoided a similar fate. The incident took place during the Makar Sankranti festival, a time when many young people gather to fly kites.

The kite flyers were operating from a building opposite the bus stand, and unfortunately, both injured youths suffered neck injuries from the nylon manja. Datkhile, who was riding his motorcycle behind them, managed to stop just in time to assist the injured youths and prevent further harm.

Quick to take action, Datkhile reported the incident to the Manchar Police Station, calling for action against the sale of banned Chinese Manja in the area. In response, Assistant Police Inspector Sunil Badgujar and his team arrived at the scene. Upon their arrival, several youths fled from the building opposite the bus stand.

Badgujar assured that an investigation is underway to identify the shopkeepers involved in selling the illegal nylon ropes. Legal action will be taken against those found guilty of selling Chinese manja, as its use is prohibited in Maharashtra due to the serious risks it poses to both humans and wildlife.

This incident sheds light on the persistent issue of nylon manja usage during kite-flying season, despite authorities’ efforts to crack down on its sale and use. The Pune police have been actively seizing illegal nylon manja and making arrests in the lead-up to Makar Sankranti, in an attempt to keep the public safe during this festive period.

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