Shivajinagar, January 15, 2025: A senior citizen had a close call on Tuesday evening when he was injured by a kite string on the Chhatrapati Shivaji Bridge. Devram Dattatray Kamthe, 67, was riding his bike when the incident occurred. He was able to receive first aid at a nearby hospital and was discharged shortly after.

The accident took place around 5 PM as Kamthe was making his way from Shivajinagar to Shaniwarwada. A kite string suddenly appeared in his path, leading to injuries on his thumb and cheek. Despite his efforts to move it away, the string caused additional damage before he could free himself.

This incident highlights the ongoing issue of illegal sale and use of nylon Manja, a banned kite string that poses a serious risk to public safety. The police are urging citizens to steer clear of this hazardous material to prevent further accidents from occurring. Stay safe and keep an eye out for potential dangers while out and about in the city.

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