Union Minister Rajiv Ranjan Singh, also known as Lalan Singh, recently inaugurated a mega Entrepreneurship Development Conclave in Pune, Maharashtra. The event, organized by the Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying, aimed to empower entrepreneurs and accelerate the growth of India’s livestock sector under the theme “Empowering Entrepreneurs: Transforming Livestock Economies.”

The conclave brought together policymakers, industry leaders, and stakeholders from the livestock sector, including dignitaries like Minister of State for FAHD and Panchayati Raj Prof. S.P. Singh Baghel, Minister of State for FAHD and Minority Affairs George Kurian, Maharashtra Deputy Chief Minister Ajit Pawar, and Maharashtra’s Minister for Animal Husbandry & Dairying Pankaja Pradnya Munde.

The event was designed to act as a catalyst for innovation and sustainable development in the livestock economy by fostering entrepreneurship, addressing challenges faced by rural farmers and small enterprises, showcasing impactful government initiatives and investments, and exploring strategies to enhance credit facilitation and financing for entrepreneurs.

Key government schemes like the Animal Husbandry Infrastructure Development Fund (AHIDF) and the National Livestock Mission (NLM) were highlighted at the conclave, emphasizing their role in driving inclusive growth and rural empowerment.

The event featured the launch of the NLM-Entrepreneurship Development Programme (NLM-EDP) Dashboard, 40 new projects supported under AHIDF and NLM-EDP, updated National Livestock Mission Operational Guidelines, and success story booklets showcasing the impact of these initiatives.

Insightful panel discussions were held on topics like catalyzing growth in the livestock sector, the role of banks and MSMEs in credit facilitation, and the importance of partnerships between financial institutions and entrepreneurs.

Overall, the Entrepreneurship Development Conclave in Pune marked a significant milestone in advancing India’s livestock sector by encouraging rural entrepreneurship, enhancing infrastructure and technological advancements, building partnerships, and supporting sustainable practices and innovation for long-term growth. Initiatives like these will play a crucial role in ensuring the sector reaches its full potential, contributing to rural prosperity and national economic growth.

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