In a recent development within the Pune City Police Force, 23 Senior Police Inspectors (Sr PIs) have been shuffled around various police stations. The transfers mainly involve PIs from the Traffic, Crime, and Special branches moving to different postings for administrative reasons, as per the orders issued by Commissioner of Police Amitesh Kumar.
Some of the notable transfers include Savalaram Salgaonkar from Traffic to Sr PI at Bharati Vidyapeeth PS, Rahul Gaud from Khadak to Sr PI at Sahakar Nagar PS, and Sanjay Mogale taking charge as Sr PI at Hadapsar PS. Other transfers involve officers like Sunil Thopte, Dilip Fulpagare, Seema Dhakne, Manisha Patil, Rajendra Panhale, Satyajeet Admane, and more.
The reshuffling of Sr PIs also includes officers from the Cyber and Control Room departments taking up new roles in Traffic or Special Branch postings. The changes aim to optimize the efficiency and effectiveness of the police force in different areas of the city.
Overall, the transfers indicate a strategic move by the Pune City Police to ensure smooth operations and better coordination among the various police stations and branches.
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