Pune Police are moving swiftly to file a chargesheet in the tragic Porsche Taycan crash case that took the lives of two young IT engineers back in May. Police Commissioner Amitesh Kumar has stated that they are aiming to do so at the earliest opportunity.
The incident, which occurred in Kalyani Nagar around 2:30 am, involved a 17-year-old who was reportedly driving under the influence of alcohol. The teenager, who hails from a prominent city builder’s family, collided with the victims’ motorcycle, resulting in the untimely deaths of Ashwini Koshta and Aneesh Awadhiya.
Commissioner Kumar has admitted to initial procedural lapses in the case, particularly delays in notifying senior officials at Yerawada police station. He also expressed concern over the initial application of a milder charge under section 304-A, rather than section 304 of the Indian Penal Code.
Following concerns of manipulation, the charges were elevated to culpable homicide under section 304. A second blood alcohol test was conducted at a different hospital to verify the integrity of the initial test.
Efforts have been made to try the teenager as an adult, and his bail conditions have been overturned, leading to his placement in an observation home pending further proceedings.
In response to public outcry, Commissioner Kumar has assured a thorough investigation supported by video evidence, eyewitness testimonies, DNA evidence, and materials retrieved from the teenager’s residence.
Stringent actions have been taken, including suspensions of two Yerawada police officers and arrests of hospital staff and the teenager’s parents for alleged manipulation of evidence.
The Commissioner has stated that they are determined to bring this case to a just conclusion and ensure accountability for the lives lost.
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