Heartbreak and tragedy struck the small village of Hol near Baramati as a father allegedly took the life of his nine-year-old son during a heated argument over school studies. The 40-year-old man reportedly lost his temper and violently attacked his young son, resulting in his untimely death. Fortunately, police were able to intervene before the body was cremated, preserving crucial evidence in the case.
The father, who worked as a peon at the Hol gram panchayat, was taken into custody along with his 38-year-old brother. Charges have also been filed against the boy’s 65-year-old grandmother, who has yet to be apprehended by authorities.
Assistant Police Inspector Sachin Kale shared that initial findings from the post-mortem indicated that the cause of death was asphyxia. The father, in his confession, revealed that the argument over the child’s studies had escalated out of control, leading to the tragic incident. Shockingly, the boy’s grandmother was present during the altercation.
Living with his father, older brother, and grandmother since his parents’ separation four years ago, the young boy faced the wrath of his father’s anger on Tuesday afternoon. After scolding his son for not studying, the father reportedly became enraged and physically assaulted the child, ultimately leading to his death.
In a disturbing turn of events, the father initially sought medical help for the boy, claiming he had collapsed. However, when doctors declared the child deceased at a private hospital in Nira and recommended a post-mortem, the father chose to ignore their advice and return home with a fabricated story of a fall.
Neighbors grew suspicious of the family’s actions, prompting them to alert the authorities. Police arrived just in time to prevent the cremation and insisted on a proper post-mortem examination. The results confirmed the boy’s cause of death as strangulation.
Following the final rites, the father, uncle, and grandmother were all implicated in the crime and charged accordingly under relevant sections of the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita. The father and uncle were taken into custody on Wednesday night, with efforts underway to apprehend the grandmother as well.
This heartbreaking incident serves as a stark reminder of the importance of addressing anger and conflict in a healthy manner, especially within families. May justice be served for the innocent life lost in this tragic event.
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