In a recent drug bust in Yerwada, Pune, the Anti-Narcotics Cell (ANC) of the Pune Police apprehended a 45-year-old man named Ahmed Wahid Khan. The police recovered 110 grams of mephedrone (MD) valued at ₹22 lakh from his possession. Khan, a former driver in Qatar, had recently relocated to Pune and was living with his mother.

Inspector Sudarshan Gaikwad, who led the team that made the arrest, stated that Khan was caught based on credible information about his involvement in drug trafficking. The police are now investigating the source of the drugs and are on the lookout for another individual who supplied them to Khan.

Interestingly, Khan does not have any prior criminal records, making his sudden involvement in the drug trade a mystery to law enforcement officials. However, the police have identified another suspect with a history of house burglaries, who they believe may also be involved in drug dealing.

The case highlights the ongoing efforts of law enforcement agencies to crack down on drug trafficking in the region and serves as a reminder of the dangers associated with illegal drug trade.

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