The Maharashtra government is gearing up to increase the Ready Reckoner Rate (RRR) in the financial year 2025-26, after keeping it unchanged for three years. The move is aimed at boosting state revenue, especially with the introduction of welfare schemes like the Ladki Bahin Yojana. Here’s what you need to know about the potential rise in RRR:

1. What is RRR? The RRR is the minimum valuation rate used to calculate stamp duty and registration fees on property transactions in Maharashtra.

2. Expected Increase: The proposed revision may bring a 5%-10% hike in certain zones that have not seen changes in a while, despite increased property registrations.

3. Reasons for Revision: The static RRR for three years and increased fiscal demands due to welfare initiatives are driving the need for an upward revision.

4. Timeline for Decision: The final decision on the revised rates is expected by March 31, with the new rates taking effect from April 1.

5. Recent Trends: In 2022, Maharashtra saw an average 5% increase in RRR, with Pune district experiencing a sharper 8.15% rise. The 1% metro cess on stamp duty in metro cities has added to property transaction costs.

6. Modernization Efforts: The state is exploring GIS mapping techniques and best practices from other states to ensure more accurate valuation and fair revisions.

7. Developer Concerns: Real estate developers are worried about the potential hike, fearing it may make properties more expensive and harm market buoyancy. They have called for relief measures like reducing stamp duty instead.

8. Important Considerations: Higher RRR will increase costs for property buyers, impact revenue generation, and potentially weaken market sentiment.

9. Way Forward: The government’s modernization efforts aim to create a more transparent valuation process, but balancing revenue targets with market sustainability remains a challenge.

As the government prepares to announce the revised rates on March 31, stakeholders will watch closely to gauge the impact of the changes on the real estate sector and property buyers.

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