The Green Conclave 2025 held in Pune was a resounding success, with industry leaders and policymakers coming together to discuss sustainability and environmental innovation. A major announcement made at the event by Muralidhar Mohol was the establishment of an International Convention Center in Pune, aimed at attracting more business and cultural events to the city.
The theme of the conclave, “Shunya – Our Dharma to Net Zero”, highlighted the importance of achieving net-zero emissions in energy, water, and waste sectors. Discussions focused on sustainable cooling technologies, decarbonization of the built environment, and innovations in HVAC&R.
Key insights from industry leaders included the challenges of achieving sustainability in urban areas, the importance of using eco-friendly materials in construction, and the role of collaboration in achieving sustainability goals. Panel discussions covered topics such as policies for accelerating net-zero, sustainable cooling and energy efficiency, and the importance of eco-friendly construction practices.
Notable attendees at the event included Union Minister Nitin Gadkari, President of ISHRAE Pune Chapter Ashutosh Joshi, and architectural designer Dr. Karin Meisenberger. The event showcased a commitment to reducing carbon footprints, embracing sustainable practices, and empowering urban development through collaborative efforts between industries, policymakers, and NGOs.
With the announcement of the International Convention Center and a shared vision for achieving net-zero goals, Pune is set to become a model city for environmental innovation and sustainable development. The Green Conclave 2025 provided a platform for actionable solutions towards a more sustainable future.
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