CREDAI Pune Metro recently hosted a spectacular D2C festival for channel partners, bringing together industry leaders, influencers, and stakeholders to celebrate Pune’s thriving real estate market. The event, held at the Agricultural Ground on January 16th, showcased the city’s charm, growth potential, and appeal as a top destination for homebuyers and investors.

Highlights of the event included a captivating film on Pune, insights from industry veterans like Satish Magar, and praises from influencers Mayank Agarwal and Saudagar. The festival focused on strengthening the bond between developers and channel partners, highlighting their crucial role in shaping Pune’s real estate landscape.

Key themes of the D2C festival included showcasing Pune’s growth potential, encouraging innovation and collaboration, and recognizing the importance of channel partners in the industry. The event emphasized the city’s rising prominence and the collaborative efforts needed for sustainable growth.

Industry leaders like Ranjeet Naiknaware, Darshan Chawla, and Punit Oswal played key roles in organizing the event, setting a benchmark for future collaborations in Pune’s real estate sector. The D2C festival not only celebrated the vibrant real estate community but also paved the way for future advancements and partnerships in one of India’s most promising cities.

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