In a recent crackdown on rising criminal activities in Pune, officials from the Pune Police Crime Branch Units 2, 3, and Sinhgad Road police station have successfully seized seven illegal pistols and live cartridges from various locations across the city. The operation, which resulted in the arrest of nine individuals, uncovered a disturbing Madhya Pradesh connection to the source of these firearms.
According to Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP) Nikhil Pingle, these pistols were purchased at significantly low prices from villages along the Maharashtra-Madhya Pradesh border and then sold in Pune for exorbitant amounts. The ease of access to firearms in these border villages makes them a prime location for criminals looking to smuggle weapons into urban areas for high profits.
One of the arrested individuals, Sagar Dhebe, has a history of serious criminal offences and is suspected to be involved in the smuggling of these firearms. Some of the seized pistols have been linked to the murder of Sharad Mohol and were allegedly used to establish dominance in Kothrud.
Despite the combined estimated value of the seized firearms being ₹2.86 lakh, the accused reportedly sold them for much higher prices. The police are currently conducting further investigations to uncover the entire network involved in the trafficking and distribution of these illegal weapons.
Stay tuned as more updates on this developing story are expected to come to light in the near future.
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