Heartbreak and betrayal struck the Bibvewadi area of Pune when a 25-year-old female doctor tragically took her own life after being deceived by a man who claimed to be single when he was, in fact, married. The accused, hailing from Sangli, is facing charges of fraud and abetment to suicide.

The victim fell prey to the man’s deceitful charms after meeting him on a matrimonial website. Despite her family’s initial reservations about him, the man managed to extract a hefty sum of Rs 10 lakh from her under false pretenses of marriage.

Their initial meeting at a clinic in the Dehu area ended in disapproval from the doctor’s family, but the accused persisted in his deception, leading to further emotional distress for the victim. When she demanded her money back, the truth came out – he was already married with a pregnant wife.

Unable to cope with the betrayal, the young doctor tragically consumed poison at a clinic in Bibvewadi, leaving her family and the community in shock. Her father has since lodged a complaint with the Bibvewadi Police, prompting an investigation into the accused’s actions by Police Sub-Inspector Shashank Jadhav.

This heartbreaking incident serves as a harsh reminder of the dangers of online fraud and the devastating consequences it can have on unsuspecting individuals.

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