Residents in the NIBM Annexe area of Pune are fed up with the delayed road construction projects that have been causing chaos in their daily commute. The Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) has been working on the concrete road between Raheja Circle and SM Ghule Patil Chowk for months, with little progress to show for it. To make matters worse, construction has now begun on another stretch from SM Ghule Patil Chowk to Tribeca High Street Mall, leading to even more traffic congestion.
Residents have highlighted several key issues, including the prolonged construction period, traffic congestion, lack of footpaths and parking spaces, and the impact of heavy construction traffic. They have taken their concerns to the PMC and higher authorities, demanding urgent completion of the road projects and better traffic management.
Sandip Dipake, the junior engineer overseeing the roadwork, has assured residents that all construction from Raheja Circle to Tribeca Mall will be completed by the end of March. He explained that concrete roads take longer to build but are more durable in the long run. However, residents are still facing safety concerns due to the unfinished road sections and weekend traffic snarls.
To improve the situation, residents and experts suggest prioritizing completion of one stretch of the road at a time, better traffic management, providing footpaths and parking spaces, and transparent communication from the PMC. The NIBM Annexe area is in dire need of improved infrastructure to accommodate its rapid growth, and timely completion of road projects is crucial for the well-being of residents and the overall development of the area.
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