Pune Police has launched a crackdown on illegal Bangladeshi immigrants in the city, with Commissioner Amitesh Kumar leading the charge. The initiative involves search operations targeting unauthorized foreign nationals in various areas.
Recent arrests of Bangladeshi nationals have prompted the police to step up their efforts. Fake documents, including Aadhaar cards and voter IDs, have been seized from some of the illegal residents. The focus is now on identifying agents who provide these fake documents to infiltrators.
The crackdown also includes monitoring students and tourists visiting Pune, as authorities believe there may be illegal activity linked to immigration. Any illegal residents found will face deportation to their home countries.
This operation is part of a broader effort to address the issue of illegal Bangladeshi immigrants in Pune. So far, 66 Bangladeshi nationals have been arrested for residing in the city without authorization, with only eight being deported.
By intensifying their efforts and collaborating with various branches, Pune Police hope to curb illegal immigration and enhance the city’s security. The investigation into immigration networks is ongoing, with concerns raised about the role of cheap labor in driving this trend.
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