Viman Nagar residents were left shocked and amused when a car fell from the first floor of a building in the area. The incident, which took place at Shubh Apartment, was captured on CCTV and has since gone viral on social media.
The footage shows a black Honda City crashing through the wall of the first-floor parking lot and landing on the ground below. Reports suggest that the driver accidentally reversed the car instead of moving forward, causing the wall to give way under the car’s weight.
Luckily, the car landed upright, and the occupants were able to escape with only minor injuries. Witnesses were relieved that the car was not traveling at high speed, preventing a more serious accident.
This bizarre incident has garnered attention on social media, with many users sharing the CCTV footage and discussing the unusual circumstances surrounding the accident. Stay tuned for more updates on this developing story.
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