Hey there, folks! Here’s some news hot off the press from Kharadi, Pune. A shocking incident took place in Tuljabhavani Nagar earlier today, where a 37-year-old court stenographer named Shivdas Tukaram Gite was arrested for murdering his wife, Jyoti Shivdas Gite, in a domestic dispute.

The couple, originally from Beed, had been living in a rented room in Tuljabhavani Nagar and had been facing frequent conflicts in recent days. Things took a tragic turn when Shivdas allegedly stabbed Jyoti in the neck with a pair of scissors around 4:30 AM this morning.

Neighbours were disturbed by the noise and found Jyoti in a pool of blood. Despite being rushed to Sassoon General Hospital, she was pronounced dead upon arrival. Senior Police Inspector Sanjay Chavan is on the case and is leading the investigation into this heartbreaking incident.

The accused, who works as a stenographer at a local court, is currently in police custody. Stay tuned for more updates on this developing story. Stay safe, everyone.

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