In a heartwarming story of generosity and hope, a 32-year-old farmer from Sangli has given the gift of life to five individuals through organ donation. After his tragic passing, his heart, liver, kidneys, corneas, and skin were donated to patients in critical need.
The farmer, who had battled epilepsy since childhood, suffered a severe brain condition that ultimately led to his brain death. His organs were quickly allocated to patients in Mumbai and Pune, with his heart going to a 49-year-old at Jaslok Hospital, his kidneys to patients at Aditya Birla and Sahyadri Hospitals in Pune, and his liver to Ruby Hall Hospital in Wanowrie.
To ensure the safe and timely transport of these life-saving organs, a green corridor was established from Sangli to Kolhapur airport for the heart, which was then flown to Mumbai. The rest of the organs were transported to Pune with equal urgency and care.
Dr. Anand Malani, head of medicine at UAIMS, praised the farmer’s family for their selfless decision to donate his organs. This act of kindness marks the 32nd organ donation under the ZTCC Pune zone this year, showcasing the ongoing collaboration and dedication in the region to save lives through organ transplants.
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