The Sinhagad Road area in Pune has been hit with a worrying increase in Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS) cases, with 46 reported instances, 70 percent of which are clustered between Dhayari and Khadakwasla. The Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) Health Department revealed that 80 percent of patients exhibited gastrointestinal symptoms before contracting GBS, hinting at contaminated water sources like wells and tankers as potential culprits.
To address this surge, PMC has taken water samples from 13 spots in the Sinhagad Road vicinity for comprehensive testing, including viral analysis by the National Institute of Virology (NIV). In a bid to identify more cases, 64 teams led by Assistant Health Officer Dr. Vaishali Jadhav are conducting door-to-door surveys to gather data on individuals displaying GBS-like symptoms.
Health Chief Dr. Nina Borade stressed the importance of health precautions, advising residents to drink boiled water and maintain cleanliness around water sources. Authorities are also working with medical associations to promptly report any GBS cases. With a focus on prevention, residents are encouraged to uphold hygiene standards, manage waste properly, and seek medical help for any concerning symptoms.
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