Hey folks, here’s a shocking incident that went down in Pune’s Hadapsar area. Two women, Balika Suryawanshi and Sangeet Landge, decided to take matters into their own hands when a traffic police officer, Police Constable Ajinath Aghav, tried to enforce regulations on motorcycles parked on the footpath.

So, what happened? Well, the women allegedly parked their motorcycle in the wrong spot and when Constable Aghav tried to tow it away, all hell broke loose. They started arguing with him, and things quickly turned physical as they attacked him with their slippers and even pushed him around. Talk about taking things to the next level!

Needless to say, Constable Aghav wasn’t too pleased with this turn of events. He filed a complaint against the women, leading to the Hadapsar Police stepping in and registering a case against them for obstructing official duties.

Now, Police Sub-Inspector Altaf Shaikh is on the case, digging deeper to get all the facts straight and ensure that these women face the consequences of their actions. Let’s hope justice is served and everyone learns to play by the rules next time. Stay tuned for more updates on this wild incident in Pune!

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