Shakti, a cadet from 3 Maharashtra Air Squadron, recently made headlines for her impressive performance at the Republic Day parade. Drawing inspiration from her mother, who is a Police Officer and a former NCC cadet, Shakti expressed her pride in being recognized as the number one cadet in India. Receiving the award from the Honourable Prime Minister in front of her mother was a moment she will never forget.
Shakti also credited her success to the support and guidance of her Commanding Officer, Gp Capt Abhijit Khedkar, and her Instructors. She highlighted the rich history of 3 Mah Air Sqn, which has produced numerous officers in the armed forces, and expressed her gratitude for the motivation she received from her seniors.
This is not the first time that a cadet from 3 Mah Air Sqn has achieved success at the Republic Day parade. In 2024, Cadet Warrant Officer Kushi won the Gold medal and Prime Minister’s Baton, with Shakti acknowledging her role in preparing for the competition. In 2023, Cadet Warrant Officer Vaibhavi Vyas had won the Silver medal, showcasing the squadron’s consistent performance at the prestigious event.
In the Junior Division, Cadet Atreyi Kaul, also from 3 Mah Air Sqn, secured the bronze medal, further highlighting the squadron’s talent and dedication to excellence. Atreyi, a young and talented student from a city school, proved her skills and commitment to the NCC program.
Overall, the success of these cadets reflects the hard work and dedication of the individuals involved, as well as the support system provided by the NCC and their respective squadrons. Their achievements serve as inspiration for future cadets and showcase the positive impact of NCC training on young individuals.
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