Pune Police have cracked down on a gang of thieves, recovering stolen goods and making arrests in the Navale Bridge area. The duo arrested, Sopan Ramesh Tonde and Akash Sunil Nakade, were found in possession of a stolen Activa bike and are believed to be behind multiple thefts in the area.
The police, led by Constables Deva Chavan and Sagar Shedge, set up a trap near Navale Bridge based on a tip-off. The suspects, both residents of Kothrud, were intercepted and found to be involved in thefts across Pune. The recovered items include five motorcycles, two laptops, and a camera.
With an increase in vehicle thefts in the Sinhagad Road area, the police used CCTV footage and other technical means to solve the cases. Assistant Police Inspector Sachin Nikam is leading the ongoing investigation to uncover any potential links to other unsolved cases in the area.
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