Pune, 21st June 2024: In a recent interview with Manoj Patil, the former DCP who is now serving as the Additional CP of Pune Police, shared his insights on how to tackle the city’s traffic issues. Patil reflected on the challenges faced when implementing one-way systems on FC Road and JM Road, noting the initial resistance from the public and the time it took to streamline the operations.
Looking ahead, Patil revealed his ambitious plans to transform Pune into a congestion-free city. He emphasized the importance of ongoing awareness campaigns to combat traffic violations, with a particular focus on cracking down on drink driving cases, which have seen an increase in recent weeks.
Addressing concerns about limited road space and congestion, Patil assured that efforts are being made to optimize infrastructure in a cost-effective manner to improve public convenience. He highlighted the success of interventions at University Chowk, such as implementing strategic U-turns and additional turning lanes, which resulted in significant reductions in travel times from 25 to 12 minutes.
With more developments in the pipeline, Pune is looking towards a brighter future in traffic management under the leadership of the current Pune Police Commissioner, Amitesh Kumar, who was also credited by Patil for his role in stabilizing traffic in Mumbai.
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