Are you a property owner in Pune who has been issued a property bill without the 40% concession? You’re not alone. The Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) has announced that they will be conducting a survey of properties in the city to rectify this issue. Civic workers will be visiting the 3.72 lakh properties that have been deprived of the benefit and will be getting the PT3 form filled out for this purpose.

It seems that the State Government cancelled the rebate in 2019, causing property owners to start paying 100% tax. The PMC has now decided to reinstate the 40% concession, but many property owners have still not received this benefit due to some confusion in its implementation.

To clarify the situation, the PMC will be conducting a survey to identify properties that have not received the concession. Proof of residence, such as a gas connection, Aadhaar Card, Voter’s ID card, Passport, Driving Licence, or society’s NOC, will need to be provided to civic workers during the survey. The aim is to ensure that all eligible properties receive the 40% rebate in property tax.

The survey has already begun and will continue until August 15th. Madhav Jagtap, Deputy Municipal Commissioner of the Property Tax Department, has stated that a list of property owners who have not received the concession will be published on the PMC website. So, if you’re one of the property owners affected, make sure to keep an eye out for the survey team coming to your property.

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