The recent hit-and-run case in Kalyaninagar has shed light on Pune’s underground late-night party culture, particularly focusing on the L3 – Liquid Leisure Lounge on Ferguson College Road. This establishment has been caught serving alcohol to minors without any age verification, raising concerns about the city’s growing drug problem.
A recent sting operation revealed shocking scenes of teenagers heavily intoxicated at parties that extended well past legal operating hours. The lack of enforcement and police presence at these events has allowed underage individuals easy access to alcohol and drugs, leading to a severe lapse in regulatory oversight.
The L3 Lounge, operating under FL3 License number 445 issued to Rainbow Bar, owned by Vicky Jadhav, has been blatantly flouting excise norms, police regulations, and Pune Municipal Corporation guidelines. Authorities are now facing pressure to take decisive action and restore order in the city’s party scene.
DCP (Zone 1) Sandeep Singh Gill has stated that the club will be sealed and a case will be registered soon for operating beyond the 1:30 AM deadline. The investigation into these illicit activities continues as Pune grapples with its growing nightlife problems.
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