Pune’s historic Cantonment Court is finally getting a much-needed facelift as it relocates to the Mahatma Phule Sanskrutik Bhavan in Wanowrie. The move comes after years of deterioration and space constraints at its current location. The inauguration ceremony on Thursday, 27th June will be attended by Chief District Judge Mahendra Mahajan and President of the Pune Bar Association, Adv. Santosh Khamkar.
The decision to move the Cantonment Court to the PMC building was made due to the inadequate and dilapidated state of its current building, which has been a longstanding issue. The court, which has been operational since the British era, has been struggling with the lack of dedicated space despite repeated requests for a separate facility.
With cases from various police stations including Hadapsar, Lashkar, Wanowrie, Kondhwa, and Mundhwa being heard at the Cantonment Court, the move is expected to provide much-needed relief. Over 30,000 pending cases will now be addressed at the new location under the jurisdiction of the Pune District Court.
This relocation marks a significant step towards improving the efficiency and accessibility of the justice system in Pune, benefiting both the legal community and the general public.
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