Hey Pune folks, there’s a disturbing incident that recently unfolded involving a minor girl and a predator on social media. This individual, who befriended the girl on Instagram and Snapchat, took things to a whole new level by demanding obscene videos and morphing her photos inappropriately.
The poor girl, understandably upset by this ordeal, decided to take action and reported the incident to the Chaturshringi Police Station. A case has been filed against the culprit under various sections of the Indian Penal Code and the Information Technology Act, as well as the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act.
According to the police, the predator and the victim initially connected on social media and started chatting. However, things quickly took a dark turn when the perpetrator began to harass the girl, even after she blocked him. He went as far as threatening to shame her by editing her face onto nude images and sending them to her family.
It’s a chilling reminder of the dangers lurking online, especially for young people. Let’s hope the authorities can bring this predator to justice and prevent similar incidents from happening in the future. Stay safe out there, Pune!
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