In a surprising turn of events, a recent viral video from Pune has taken social media by storm. The video, posted by the Pune Police on Instagram, captures a unique moment at a routine traffic stop. A cow can be seen standing patiently alongside vehicles, waiting for a red traffic light to turn green.

The video begins with a typical urban traffic scene in Pune, with cars and motorcycles stopped at a signal. The camera then focuses on the cow, which appears calm and collected amidst the chaos. The cow’s adherence to traffic rules is evident as it waits for the signal to change.

In a lighthearted message accompanying the video, Pune Police wrote, “Attention ‘Guys’. Don’t moo-ve forward on a red light!” The playful tone of the message not only grabs attention but also effectively conveys a message about road safety.

The video quickly gained traction on social media, garnering thousands of views and likes within hours. Social media users had mixed reactions, with some expressing concern about cows on city roads and others finding humor in the cow’s behavior.

This is not the first time Pune Police has used viral videos to raise awareness about road safety. By using engaging content, they are able to reach a wider audience and drive home important messages in a memorable way.

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