Tragedy struck a Pune-based family during a leisurely outing near Bhushi Dam in Lonavala today. Five members were swept away in the waters, leading to a frantic search and recovery operation by local authorities. According to Police Inspector Suhas Jagtap, the family had gone for a rainy day excursion when the incident occurred. While five individuals managed to escape, five others were tragically carried away by the strong currents. So far, three bodies have been recovered, identified as Sahista Liaqat Ansari, Amima Salman alias Adil Ansari, and Umera Salman alias Adil Ansari. Two individuals, Adnan Sabhahat Ansari and Maria Akil Syed, are still missing.

Inspector Jagtap mentioned that a search operation is ongoing with the assistance of Shivdurg Mitra Mandal and INS Shivaji of the Indian Navy. Efforts are being made in collaboration with the Indian Railway and Forest Departments, as well as the Municipal Council, to address the incident and improve safety measures in the area. Tourists visiting Lonavala and Khandala during the monsoon season have been urged to exercise caution and avoid risky areas. Inspector Jagtap specifically warned about popular spots like Bhushi Dam, Ghubad Lake, Tata Dam, Tungali Dam, Rajmachi Fort near Khandala, Kunegaon, and Kurwande, which are prone to safety hazards during heavy rains.

In light of this tragic event, tourists have been advised to prioritize safety and follow local guidelines to ensure a secure and enjoyable monsoon vacation while keeping themselves and their loved ones safe.

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