In a shocking turn of events, a video has emerged showing a group of young individuals consuming drugs at the popular L3 Liquid Liger Lounge on Fergusson College Road in Pune. This comes after Pune Police recently made arrests in connection with drug-related activities in the area.

The latest arrests include two individuals, Akshay Swami and Aryan Patil, who have been identified and taken into custody by Shivajinagar Police. It has been revealed that the distribution of drugs was being facilitated through social media platforms.

Previously, individuals named Abhishek Amol Sonawane, Onkar Ashok Sakat, and a Nigerian citizen named Idoco Staveley were arrested in connection with the same case. In total, 15 people have now been apprehended by Pune Police in relation to the ongoing drug investigation.

Among those found consuming drugs at the party were Nitin Thombare from Mumbai and Karan Mishra from Mundhwa. The authorities are continuing their investigation into the matter, with a focus on the involvement of Swami and Patil in drug distribution activities.

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